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Congratulations to New Home Award Winners

Rose & Womble New Homes Division celebrated it’s 2015 award winners at their annual New Homes Kick Off event.

The New Homes Division celebrated two groups of award winners. The first group were sales agents who exhibited specific behaviors that have impacted their business and the new homes sites they represent in 2015. These awards are voted on by the sales managers.

Laura Ennis – The Covey Award for Outstanding Daily Behaviors in 2015

Julie Scott – The Stone Award for a Superior Skill Set in 2015


Denise Britt – The Ziglar Award for an Elevated Attitude in 2015


Jay Osborough – The Jim V. Rose Leadership Award for Overall Excellence in 2015

Jay Osborough - Kings Fork Farm

The second group of award winners is based on New Homes sales.

  1. Rob Mitchell
  2. Julie Scott
  3. Doreen Giuliano and Joan Revell
  4. Carmon Pizzanello
  5. Deloris Morgan
  6. Scott Berry
  7. Linda Jones
  8. Penny Boyd, Wendy Kelly, and Stephanie Sears
  9. Jenny Lovell, Nell Gallagher, Lisa Kyriakides, and Judy Lilly
  10. Debra Miller and Patty Finein
  11. Jay Osborough
  12. Tara Strauser
