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Gobble, Gobble

By Bridget Lafleur

Rose & Womble Foundation hosted the 2016 Turkey Brigade last Thursday. The event was started in 1993 and this is the 24th year of the event! Two trucks with all of the foods arrived at 7 a.m. and Rose & Womble started packing up the bags and loading vehicles and then Rose & Womble employees will be delivering baskets all over Hampton Roads. New Homes has also raised funds for another 50 baskets that are going out to a community in Raleigh, NC.  Each “basket” has a turkey, 6 cans of vegetables, stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy, apples, 5 lbs of potatoes,  a package of dinner rolls and an aluminum baking pan in a reusable blue grocery bag.


The list of homes was developed from different churches, non-profits, housing organizations, and social services. The entire Senior Cogix Center in Norfolk will enjoy a special turkey dinner from the Rose & Womble Foundation this year! The Cogix Center has 150 residents and they received 50 baskets with all the trimmings. Rose & Womble also provided baskets for the Chaplain’s Offices of both the U.S. Marine Corp and the U.S. Navy for those in need.
We would like to extend a special thank you to Deltaville Market, Super Value Foods, and all of the contributors to the Rose & Womble Foundation and Turkey Brigade 2016. We couldn’t imagine helping all of these local families without the dedicated work of Deltaville Market and Super Value Foods! The Super Value employees drove an hour and a half to get the Harbour View office of Rose & Womble to help out today.
Butch Boykin and Van Rose

It is amazing to see so many individuals of our local real estate community involved in such an amazing project! The Rose & Womble Foundation loves to give back, and the realtors who work for Rose & Womble are proud to be a part of Turkey Brigade 2016.


Bea Cobell (pictured left) is the Chairperson of Turkey Brigade (and incoming Vice-President of the Rose & Womble Foundation for 2017) and has been for many, many years. Terry Stickle (pictured right) is the current President of the Rose & Womble Foundation. These two amazing ladies have devoted countless hours to feeding Hampton Roads families in need.

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